Baltic Earth Science Steering Group (BESSG)
Approved by BESSG, 18 June 2014
Modifications approved by BESSG, 8 March 2016 and 8 March 2017
Terms of Reference
1. Tasks of the BSSG are to
- undertake the overall planning, monitoring and coordination of Baltic Earth,
- regularly review and update the Science Plan including the Grand Challenges, and to assess Baltic Earth actions and achievements against the provisions of the Science and Implementation plans,
- suggest and approve members and chairs of Baltic Earth panels, including the BESSG and the Senior Advisory Board (SAB), with qualified majority1,
- suggest and approve chairs of Baltic Earth Working Groups, with qualified majority1,
- initiate, supervise and review the work of Baltic Earth Working Groups,
- review developments relevant for Baltic Earth at international levels, suggest related actions for Baltic Earth, and report, or organize the reporting, to the relevant panels at international levels,
- interact with the various national and international authorities important for Baltic Earth,
- to promote Baltic Earth at the institutional, national and international level through presentations at meetings and conferences,
- establish and maintain links to other relevant projects and programmes and assure cooperation whenever possible and adequate,
- establish and maintain links to stakeholders, policy-makers and the public in order to i) create awareness of Baltic Earth, ii) make Baltic Earth results available for use, iii) exchange advise concerning Baltic Earth results, related requirements, and their application for the benefit of society,
- undertake suitable steps to both promote funding possibilities at national and international levels,
- actively initiate or support related funding proposals in support of the Baltic Earth,
- initiate and prepare Baltic Earth Conferences on a regular basis (every 2 years, starting with 2016)
- initiate and prepare Baltic Earth symposia and workshops on relevant topics (at least one per year)
- meet at least annually, with E-Mail communications between meetings.
1 The “qualified majority” is 2/3 of BESSG members present at a meeting.
2. Term
- For chairpersons: 3 years (starting June 2016), with the possibility for a renewal of the term.
- For members: 3 years (starting June 2016) , with the possibility for a renewal of the term.
3. Election and approval
- Criteria for a membership in the BESSG are scientific excellence, an active contribution to BESSG meetings, conferences, workshops, summer schools, working groups and projects, as well as gender, country, institutional and scientific discipline balance.
- New members need to be identified and suggested by at least one member.
- Suggestion of a candidate needs to be communicated to all members at least 4 weeks prior to election and approval by a qualified majority of the BESSG.
- Approval by the BESSG is normally done at a regular BESSG meeting, in important cases approval and election may be by E-mail between meetings.
- Final official approval by the BESSG chair.
Related links |
Baltic Earth Science Steering Group (BESSG)
Baltic Earth Working Groups
International Baltic Earth Secretariat
Baltic Earth Senior Advisory Board
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